Just thought I'd share this cute pic of Sadie I caught the other day, she's often very passed out looking in the evenings. ( I like her this way the best) lol....
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sleepy puppy...
Posted by
Tiffany Ochsner
9:55 AM
Kids say the darnedest things....
Ok, so talk about embarrassing.... Allie and I made a quick run to the grocery store last night and as we were passing oh about 4 or 5 people within a very close distance to us, Allie says very clearly and loud enough for all to hear, "Mommy?" I said what... then she said, " do you have underwear on?" I said yes (kind of quietly, but still loud enough to defend myself) then I promptly said Allie! Shhhhh! and she says, "mom, I can talk" and I said yes you can but you can't say that! lol....it was pretty embarrassed by her asking that in public but also couldn't help but laugh a little cause it was soooo out of no where! I'm a very modest person, and have never and will never go "commando". I have no idea why she asked me, but I thought it was hilarious, and also extremely humiliating at the same time. I was too chicken to look up and see if anyone was looking at me. There were like I said at least 4 people right next to us in the isle!
I told Shaun what she said, and he quoted.."kids say the darnedest things" so I knew I had to post about it today to share the humiliation, and laughter with everyone.... why not, eh?
Posted by
Tiffany Ochsner
9:45 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Pumpkin Patch Oct 2007
We had a great time this year, Allie really had fun as you can see. :) We got 3 pumpkins (2 of which we'll carve) the other little one was just for Allie to be able to carry. I'll probably get one or two more bigger pumpkins to carve at the grocery store. I'll take pics of them and post them soon. Happy Halloween!
Posted by
Tiffany Ochsner
9:11 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Morning fellow earthlings..
well it's monday. Grrrreeeaaat. Oh well gotta do it... It was a fun weekend, we had my good friends bachelorette party on sat night, and the boys (including my husband) had the bachelore party. It was pretty cool, we went to Jenn and Jason's (the bride and groom's) new house that we helped them move into by the way for the bachelorette party. we did some games, and she opened her lingerie and tried a few numbers on for us ;) (calm down she put them on over her clothes) geeeez! but ya that was fun, I got lots of pictures, and then we went down town to Rock Bottom brewery, which is one of her favorite restaurants. All the girls went to dinner with her, talked, laughed, she opened some more gifts there too. then! all the guys from the bachelore party that was supposed to be at a different location far away from ours at a sports bar/ pool hall type thingy, walked bye our restaurant waving at us through the window! lol they had decided to go to a different bar downtown that happened to be right around the corner from where we were. So of course like half the girls who's husbands were there went out side to say hello, and I got a few pictures of some romantic moon lit kisses on the steps of the restaurant. It ended up being a nice surprise! :) the the boys went back to Jenn and Jason's house to play one round of poker which I am proud to point out MY husband won! $20 smackers! ROCK ON! lol And all the girls went home from the restaurant. So ya that was cool, she had on the typical bachelorette gear, the veil, the t-shirt that said BRIDE in huge letters on the front. it was cute... we tried to get her to wear one of the thongs she got that said bride on em over her pants but she wouldn't lol. something about it would be humiliating, or degrading.. ya know something silly like that.
Then a friend of mine got a new PUPPY! that was super cool! YAY Chrissy! he's soooooo CUTE! love the pictures!
So.. that the extent of the excitement for me... I'm sure more drama will show it's ugly face at any moment but until then peace, love, and chocolate! lol
Posted by
Tiffany Ochsner
8:25 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Mommy get's to go shopping and Daddy get's points in the Love bank ;)
So Shaun and I were talking and he said we'd have a little extra money this month because of an extra paycheck. So I asked timidly if I could have a clothes budget and get a few new things. He said I could (he manages all the money so I know he knows what we can and can't do) yay! So first chance I got (yesterday) I was off to the store as soon as grandma picked up the little one. I planned to stop at a few different stores, but needed to go to walmart first.... I never made it past walmart, lol. they had a lot of cute clothes and I knew they were the most competitive prices anyway, so I just kept looking and trying stuff on. I think I went back the dressing room like 5 times, the lady was getting sick of me. I didn't find any shoes I wanted or the earrings I was looking for but hey, I got 3 pair of pants, like 6 or 7 new tops, some new undies, 3 pictures for the house, 1 toy for Allie, and some decorative potpourri stuff(had to look that word up, great scott!) (that I need to find a cute bowl for). But after all that NEW stuff, I was on cloud 9! just getting a few little things made me so happy, made me feel so good.... I'm easily pleased I guess.
Grandma helped get Allie some new clothes for the winter the other day so she was taken care of too. **deep breath** ahhhh.... all is well :) it's amazing how a little extra money just wipes away the stress, lol. anyway.. just thought I'd share my bliss!
My friend and I are going shopping again this weekend not for me :( but for our friend who's getting married in about a week and we get to pick out some lingerie for her for the bachelorette party this sat! whooo, saucy! ;) lol
Posted by
Tiffany Ochsner
12:15 PM